1 |
Date of announcement |
2024/11/29 |
Time of announcement |
15:35:04 |
Subject |
Subsidiary Tong Win Trading (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. announced that it was obtained from related parties Real estate use right asset |
To which |
sparagrap 20 |
Date of events |
2024/11/29 |
Statement |
1.Name and nature of the underlying asset (e.g., land located at Sublot XX, Lot XX, North 2.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/11/29 3.Transaction unit amount (e.g.XX square meters, equivalent to XX ping), unit price, and 4.Trading counterparty and its relationship with the Company (if the trading counterparty 5.Where the trading counterparty is a related party, announcement shall also be made of 6.Where an owner of the underlying assets within the past five years has been a related 7.Projected gain (or loss) through disposal (not applicable for acquisition of assets; those 8.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary amount), 9.The manner of deciding on this transaction (such as invitation to tender, price comparison, 10.Name of the professional appraisal firm or company and its appraisal price:NA 11.Name of the professional appraiser:NA 12.Practice certificate number of the professional appraiser:NA 13.The appraisal report has a limited price, specific price, or special price:NA 14.An appraisal report has not yet been obtained:NA 15.Reason for an appraisal report not being obtained:NA 16.Reason for any significant discrepancy with the appraisal reports and opinion of the CPA:NA 17.Name of the CPA firm:NA 18.Name of the CPA:NA 19.Practice certificate number of the CPA:NA 20.Broker and broker's fee:NA 21.Concrete purpose or use of the acquisition or disposal: Use as an office 22.Any dissenting opinions of directors to the present transaction:NA 23.Whether the counterparty of the current transaction is a related party:Yes 24.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/11/29 25.Date of ratification by supervisors or approval by the audit committee:NA 26.The transaction is to acquire a real property or right-of-use asset from a related party:Yes 27.The price assessed in accordance with the Article 16 of the Regulations Governing the 28.Where the above assessed price is lower than the transaction price, the price assessed in 29.Any other matters that need to be specified: Continuation of tenancy at the original |